Considering the amount of time and resources that go into creating and growing a Facebook page, being suddenly caught without it could create a serious problem for your business. In fact, according to statistics, 93 percent of social media traffic comes from Facebook. So what happens if your Facebook account is suddenly frozen? A new Facebook trend has emerged, and it’s one that should not be taken lightly.
The first thing you should know about Facebook Jail is that it exists. Being in Facebook Jail means you won’t be able to post, like, comment, respond to messages or send or receive friend requests. Unfortunately, that goes for both your personal as well as business pages that you manage. Essentially, you’ll be stuck looking while everyone else is interacting. What’s even more astounding is being in Facebook Jail can lead to your account being deleted entirely. This can prove very problematic for your business, considering consumers are so social media driven. In order to stay in the good graces of those running Facebook, here are five strategies to keep you out of the Facebook clink.