Thousands of businesses use Twitter for micro-blogging. Any business, large or small post short and precise updates to Twitter constantly. Most businesses consider Twitter to be a combination of instant messaging and a chat room. It’s somewhat of an open forum, however, businesses have the ability to limit their audience. Regardless, Twitter is a magnificet marketing channel for any business.
Whether you’re just now joining the social marketing bandwagon or trying to improve your strategy, you need to understand what makes Twitter “tweet.” Following are some tips on how to use Twitter as part of your marketing strategy:
Be cautious about who you follow
You won’t learn much if you follow the wrong types of people. Trying to build your presence is important but don’t follow someone just to build.
Use the tools provided such as Tweetdeck and Hootsuite to help you organize your incoming stream. These tools help you organize feed into categories so you can read what you really care about.
Block accounts
On Twitter you’re judged based on your followers, so you have to take control of who you allow to follow you. If you have accounts spamming your every move on Twitter, don’t hesitate to block them.
Retweeting is important
When you come across something relevant or interesting, don’t hesitate to retweet it. Building a rapport with your followers is crucial to your marketing efforts, so retweet their content to help build that rapport.
Continue to build up who you follow
Continue to find new and relevant accounts to follow. Make time to research twitter accounts and decide who will be relevant to your account.
Create relevant content
You may not always be able to create content, but you have the opportunity to share information that’s already on the internet. Be sure that the content you share has impact and relevance.
Use the Twitter tools
The favorite button is your friend. Every time you click the favorite button on someone’s content or update, the user will get notified. The favorite button is your friend. What better way to get your name in front of those you like and respect?
Use the communication language
Yes as annoying as it is, you need to study and learn how people communicate on Twitter. Use the Twitter glossary to help you, but also pay attention to how people communicate on this platform. You need to communicate the same way.
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