Social media is visible in all advertising. Company websites are including links to social media platforms while TV commercials are including the symbols to social media platforms and hash tags for Twitter. For example, Mercedes uses the hash tag, #youdrive, in their TV commercials.
In continuation of my blog, “Time to Revisit and Refresh Your Marketing Plan,” I would like to add further detail to the marketing strategy for Social Media Blogs. Creating a marketing strategy for your posts on social media sites is equally as important as creating a business plan. A marketing strategy for social media will..
Whether your goal is to own your own business, become a consultant, a speaker or an author, you’ll need to start with a business plan. Even if you launched your business years ago, it’s important to revisit and refresh your plan. In recent years, the economy, technology and consumer habits have changed rapidly and dramatically,..
While smartphones can perform a plethora of functions, according to a recent Harris Poll survey, very few smartphone owners are actually taking advantage of the time- and paper-saving potential of their devices. Today’s smartphones can store information to make our lives more efficient – information that can be scanned to make a purchase, or displayed..
Consider for a moment the annoying, interruptive, often obnoxious nature of traditional marketing. Dinnertime phone calls from strangers in noisy call centers. Glossy pictures of the latest fashions worn by models who barely look human. Crowded store shelves with head-spinning arrays of options arranged in no discernible order (“I just need some toothpaste!”). Company websites..