social personality

Social media is a powerful way for us to interact with our friends, our fans and our family. But to a lot of us, interacting on social media doesn’t come naturally. This quiz will help you to identify which type of social media personality you are and what you can do to improve your daily..

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fake profiles

Are you contemplating buying Twitter followers or maybe followers on Facebook, Instagram or other social media platforms? Answer this question first: Is it more important to have thousands of fans/followers or 100 who actually share, like, comment and engage with your business? This is one question you will never hear from the plethora of social..

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social media tips for restaurants

Is social media marketing on your restaurant’s menu? It should be. These days a social media campaign is an essential component of any marketing plan and this is especially true for restaurants. Unlike many other industries, restaurants have the unique opportunity to meet their customers face to face with every single transaction, and in today’s..

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social media rules

Understanding how to market your business on social media can be daunting, to say the least! So many social sites – which one to choose. How to measure ROI. What about SEO? To help you out, here is a great infographic outlining 36 rules of social media:

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In the past, the ‘@’ symbol was just used to separate your email id from the domain name. Then Twitter adopted it, and now it seems to be present on the entire social media network. So what caused the evolution and the success of ‘@’? It started in the year 2006, when a freelance designer..

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The technology takeover is here. As a small business owner, you know you can’t fight it anymore. Whether you’re excited, apprehensive, or both, you’ve decided that the best thing for your business is to get tapped into the opportunities available to you online. But where do you even start? From building your own website to..

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If you’ve heard it once over the last couple of years, you’ve heard it a million times – if you’re marketing strategy doesn’t include social media marketing, it’s time to add it.  Even though the majority of people in the US still use traditional search engines to find anything they’re looking for online, users, especially..

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Social Media Marketing strategies continue to evolve and marketing professionals are constantly having to change their methods.  In addition, Google’s algorithm continues to be updated.  So it’s important to improve your content marketing strategy continuously.  Stay focused on producing high-quality content that works to engage your audience.  This way you will remain relevant in your..

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Today, everyone is using smart phones.  Do you know how to connect with them using mobile social media marketing techniques?  You can use the social media tools that you’re already familiar with to create mobile marketing ideas. LinkedIn Mobile You can connect with customers and prospects with LinkedIn mobile.  Use the LinkedIn mobile application to..

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Social Media Examiner recently released its annual Social Media Marketing Report.  The study reflects that 80 percent of marketers aren’t planning to use daily deal sites in their future campaigns.  In this study 3,025 marketers were surveyed.  The most significant points determined by this report will be highlighted in this article. There’s been a decrease..

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Social Media Today recently interviewed Ted Shelton, a strategy consulting leader at PwC and author of Business Models for the Social Media Cloud to discuss topics that will come up at the Social Shake-Up Conference where Ted will be speaking. When asked to describe why companies should focus on how they use social, mobile, and..

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Today businesses use social media to enhance their marketing efforts and to meet other objectives such as brand recognition, sales, increasing customer base, improving their customer service and increasing loyalty.  However, the majority of companies activate social media campaigns without a clear strategy. According to new research, 72% of businesses don’t have a clear strategy..

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Are you ready to take your marketing campaign to the social world?  Are you wondering where to start and what type of dashboard you will need?  To implement your social media marketing strategy you will need a good dashboard.  There are several key factors that need to be considered when shopping for dashboards.  You need..

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Do you take the time to consider your online reputation?  Not only as an individual, but, do you consider your business’ online reputation?  It’s important to think about this before something negative happens. A few keys to managing your reputation lie in social footprints, knowing what others are saying about you, and staying positive online.

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Social Media marketing strategy is crucial to a company’s brand recognition.  Businesses need to understand social media marketing and which social media platforms to utilize.  Based on recent studies, a business’ brand needs social media marketing. The study conducted in 2012 by Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), Ipsos ASI, and Bloomberg determined there is a..

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Consider for a moment the annoying, interruptive, often obnoxious nature of traditional marketing. Dinnertime phone calls from strangers in noisy call centers. Glossy pictures of the latest fashions worn by models who barely look human. Crowded store shelves with head-spinning arrays of options arranged in no discernible order (“I just need some toothpaste!”). Company websites..

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People have changed in dramatic ways over the past five years, and businesses should take that into consideration this holiday season. “As people’s values change, so do their shopping habits. To market effectively, businesses should be aware of how their prospective customers have changed,” says Marsha Friedman, CEO of EMSI Public Relations in Wesley Chapel,..

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Mobile malware is becoming a bigger problem every day. Especially now, considering some Americans use their phones more than their computers. Putting a stop to mobile malware isn’t that easy. What is malware? It’s essentially viruses or programs that can wreak havoc on your phone. Malware can cause lags and system errors, and can introduce..

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It happens all the time: The hard-working crew at a small business loses customers thanks to the sour grapes of one person. It could be a disgruntled employee, an angry customer or even a competitor, says V. Michael Santoro, coauthor with John S. Rizzo of Niche Dominance: Creating Order out of Your Digital Marketing Chaos…

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Like most businesses, you own/operate a website, or at least you should! Most business owners are familiar with the term search engine optimization but are you also aware of the term “social media optimization”? According to, now we need to add social media optimization to our to-do lists! I know what you’re thinking, “But..

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When it comes to your online habits, are you a Content King or a Social Butterfly? The difference matters to businesses who want to capture your attention on digital devices. A new IBM study of the media and entertainment market reveals that as consumers adopt an increasing number of digital devices, four distinct new “digital..

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Customers have always been fickle, but never before has it been so easy for them to channel discontent into social-media campaigns with potentially disastrous consequences for companies. In The Conference Board Review cover story, “Anger Management,” writer John Buchanan explores how technology has helped spur “a massive power shift,” emboldening consumers to express their outrage…

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Why are we talking about social media? Apart from the fact that today’s youth are being referred to as the ‘Facebook generation’ and that 65% of adult Internet users claim to use social media platforms? Social media has altered our interactions within our community and our perceptions of our relationships. It is in our homes,..

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According to a new study, “SocialShop,” released by Leo Burnett/Arc Worldwide, 42 percent of Americans are using social media to shop – this equates to nearly 95 million social shoppers in the U.S. – and that number continues to rise. In fact, when asked how often social media is used to shop today versus a..

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