holiday marketing trends

For many businesses, the holidays are undoubtedly a fruitful time! With 73% of consumers indicating that they’ve been influenced by a brand’s social media presence when making a purchase, Animoto recently conducted a new study to gain some insight into how exactly consumers and marketers are responding to holiday marketing on social. Check it out these holiday marketing trends!

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fake profiles

Are you contemplating buying Twitter followers or maybe followers on Facebook, Instagram or other social media platforms? Answer this question first: Is it more important to have thousands of fans/followers or 100 who actually share, like, comment and engage with your business? This is one question you will never hear from the plethora of social..

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social media tips for restaurants

Is social media marketing on your restaurant’s menu? It should be. These days a social media campaign is an essential component of any marketing plan and this is especially true for restaurants. Unlike many other industries, restaurants have the unique opportunity to meet their customers face to face with every single transaction, and in today’s..

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social media rules

Understanding how to market your business on social media can be daunting, to say the least! So many social sites – which one to choose. How to measure ROI. What about SEO? To help you out, here is a great infographic outlining 36 rules of social media:

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facebook ads

With all the content being shared on Facebook, even the greatest content strategy can fall victim to the “noise” of social media. However, if you’re willing to dedicate some extra time and money, Facebook advertising can help you stand out from the crowd. Facebook advertising, when properly managed, provides a low-risk, high-reward way to promote..

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You have a brand and message that you’re distributing through social media. In previous blogs, I’ve discussed how to use Pinterest and Instagram to successfully promote your brand image.  Promoting your story or brand image needs to be consistent with other social media platforms when marketing with video on YouTube. In accordance with my previous..

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Today, if you tell someone you’ll be in touch, he or she may not only ask when, but how. Modern technology has dramatically changed the way we communicate, providing multiple ways to stay connected at any time. For small and medium-sized businesses, this means big opportunities to stay competitive, provided that they understand technology trends..

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Nearly everyone thinks that saving money is a good idea. But hunting down deals and finding the best stuff to buy can sometimes feel like a hassle. However, now that mobile technology is here to stay, these days, shoppers can easily find what they are looking for at a great price. The November 2012 issue..

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People have changed in dramatic ways over the past five years, and businesses should take that into consideration this holiday season. “As people’s values change, so do their shopping habits. To market effectively, businesses should be aware of how their prospective customers have changed,” says Marsha Friedman, CEO of EMSI Public Relations in Wesley Chapel,..

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Employers looking to increase productivity should consider breaking up water-cooler talk or upgrading their software before banning Facebook. In a nationwide survey, 14 percent of knowledge workers cited chatting with co-workers as their biggest waste of time, followed by dealing with computer or software problems (11 percent). Five percent (5%) of respondents cited Facebook, Twitter..

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When it comes to your online habits, are you a Content King or a Social Butterfly? The difference matters to businesses who want to capture your attention on digital devices. A new IBM study of the media and entertainment market reveals that as consumers adopt an increasing number of digital devices, four distinct new “digital..

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Why are we talking about social media? Apart from the fact that today’s youth are being referred to as the ‘Facebook generation’ and that 65% of adult Internet users claim to use social media platforms? Social media has altered our interactions within our community and our perceptions of our relationships. It is in our homes,..

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Could 2012 be the year of 5G? According to an article by FT Tech Hub, even though TV’s Ultrabooks and Smartphones grabbed headlines at the Consumer Electronics Show, there was a quieter wireless revolution taking place that have the potential to provide important connectivity benefits for all our devices in 2012.

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According to Chelsea Hejny who is a social media writer at ShortStack, creating and managing a Facebook Page for your business or organization is only half the battle. For a Page to have real value, its content needs to be seen and shared. She provides six tips to improve your Facebook Page’s News Feed presence.

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I am always searching online for new gadgets, gizmos, technology and anything and everything to do with social media.  Scouring through the blogosphere is one of the things that keeps me up til the wee hours of the morning. On one of my scavenger hunts while researching for the 5th part of our How to..

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This is the second part of our 5 part series – How to get found online! How do you research and purchase products and services? Probably like most consumers do – through search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. The question is this: Is your website getting found by consumers looking for you?

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