With the plethora of technological advances via devices and platforms, it’s no wonder social media is always evolving and providing new ways for people to interact. One big example is Facebook Stories. Just a few years ago, Stories wasn’t even a blip on the digital map, but now more than a billion people use Stories..

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social engagement

Great infographic via www.socialmediatoday.com that asks the question: What are the key social media marketing trends to keep an eye on? According to this infographic by Morrison Foerster, there’s a lot to take in when it comes to improving social engagement in 2016: Read the full article here on Social Media Today.

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It doesn’t matter what type of business your company is, every company has to have the right online presence to bring more customers to its organization.  If you’re a company that still has only a website and a Facebook page, keep in mind that there’s a lot more to maintaining a successful online marketing presence. ..

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Social Media Examiner recently released its annual Social Media Marketing Report.  The study reflects that 80 percent of marketers aren’t planning to use daily deal sites in their future campaigns.  In this study 3,025 marketers were surveyed.  The most significant points determined by this report will be highlighted in this article. There’s been a decrease..

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Seven findings from Nielson and McKinsey’s Social Media Report (where consumers were surveyed to learn how they use social networks) are:  more time is invested on mobile devices, Pinterest use continues to increase, social networking produces positive sentiments, Twitter impels social television, social care is the new customer care, social ads get mixed feelings, and..

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