Now that Facebook allows you to include calls-to-action (CTAs) on your cover photos, you can use your cover photo to drive actions and conversions. Following are a few ways to turn your cover photo into a CTA that converts:
Promoting a Facebook Page Tab
Based on Facebook studies, users on Facebook want to stay on Facebook when browsing. Conversion rates for ads and wall posts that link to external webpages are much lower than those that link to tabs. You can use tabs to house sign up forms for webinars or email newsletters, contests and promotions, and content such as articles and infographics.
You can include an arrow on your cover photo pointing to the tab. The best practices for using this method are to use the same colors and style and to include text that reaffirms what you’re saying in the cover photo. This will help prevent the confusion created by the gap between your cover photo and the tab and any other visual noise in the area. Make sure your arrow does not point to anything that could confuse the user such as the like button. Put your action tab in the second or third tab spot to avoid this problem. Make it obvious that your cover photo and tab are related by including similar text and design on each.
Website Promoting
Since Facebook users generally don’t want to leave the social network, it can be difficult to drive them to an external website. However, if you provide an incentive, it can be done. Write some reasons to visit your website and the website address on your cover photo. Don’t use blue text when typing your web address. You want the users to type the URL in order to access it. A great example of this is Red Bull Racing. They used red text to make their web address stand out and provided a great time-sensitive incentive to drive traffic to the site. Remax and Austin Realty also use their cover photo to drive traffic to their websites.
Promoting the Location of Your Business
You can promote the location of your business by telling them the name and address and showing pictures of the storefront or a screenshot of your location on Google maps as a cover photo. You can create a CTE with a short link to get directions on Google maps. You can also offer printable coupons in one of the tabs that has to be used at your physical location. Based on a survey conducted by Lab42, a market research company, the top way Facebook users interact with a page is by printing off coupons that pages offer.
Promoting Gated External Content (Ebooks, Inforgraphic, etc.)
One of the leading strategies for inbound marketing is to require people to fill out a registration form or take some other action to access gated content. You won’t be able to fit e-books and infographics inside a tab, but you can fit the registration form inside.
Getting More Likes
Provide an incentive for users to like your page. If you provide some value in return for people liking your page, you will get more likes. The best way to do this is to provide something of value that is “coming soon”. Using text such as “Facebook Fan Exclusive” will let them know that liking you is the only way to get in on the deal.
The best types of incentives are contests, coupons, and exclusive content. Contests give users the chance to win a big prize and they create excitement. People will gladly like your page if they feel like they can get a deal with one of your coupons. This is also a great incentive to attract “deal mavens” who are generally mothers the love to tell their friends about great deals. Exclusive content needs to be very exclusive. For example, fashion retailers will post images and videos of their fashion shows including behind the scenes exclusives only on Facebook and they won’t post this anywhere else or make it available to the press.
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