Do you make use of video marketing to increase your brand awareness? If you still have not done this, you really should start now. Video marketing promotes your brand better because anything visual is more appealing than anything written. Realizing the significance, video marketing has enjoyed increased popularity in recent times and will continue to do so in a big way in 2014.
Consider your industry; there are already many of your competitors utilizing YouTube. So how do you stand apart from them and improve your presence? Here is what we recommend.
Remember your channel’s branding
Your YouTube channel is not just a channel; it is a complete portfolio of your company, an extension to your website. You can use it to either spoil your image or build your brand just the way you want. Whatever you put up on your channel, is exactly how you and your company are going to be depicted to the outside world. As such your channel should look professional, yet it should have originality and appeal of its own. Convince your viewers that your videos are worth watching; this can be done by developing enticing descriptions and titles.
One thing that I see too often is the lack of keyword utilization. Most businesses put a video on YouTube and fail to make it searchable by using keywords and detailed descriptions. Make sure you are using SEO to optimize your channel, which if done correctly, should put you right on the first page of search engines’ results pages.
Interact with other members of the community
Communication can be and should be done via Facebook, Twitter and the like. However, do not forget that even YouTube can be used to achieve the same in the simplest of ways. YouTube has many social features, which are really easy to use. Utilize them to the utmost, and reach out to your loyal customers via them.
Get to know your friends
YouTube has two main options: one is to become a friend, and the other is to become a subscriber. The two are vastly different from each other. A friend is someone who can socially engage with you and follow all your activity. In other words, this is just like having a friend on Facebook. A subscriber is different and cannot follow all your activity; he is only notified whenever you have new content to share. You must socialize with your friends; learn more about them, be responsive to whatever they say and remain connected. As for the subscribers, you must share content with them on a regular basis and entice them into utilizing your services.
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